How do I stop feather picking


11 Years
May 27, 2008
Morris County, NJ
We have 8 chickens. One of them, the Americauna is getting picked on. We noticed some down like feather on her back tail where her top feathers had been picked out. When I went out today, there was a hole, and blood. : ( We put her in a rabbit hutch next to the run so she could see the other chickens and they could see her, but not hurt her anymore. We sprayed blu-kote on her back tail where the blood is. Then I noticed one of the RIR had some down like feathers showing like she was getting her feathers picked out too. Can I spray something on them to make them stop? How about the bitter apple that i use to stop my dog from chewing on the furniture when he was a puppy? Any ideas?
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This is what my cousin told me to do when my hens picked at each other. He said to get some styrofoam and crumble it out for them to eat and he said it would make them quit picking. It does work and doesnt seem to hurt the chickens.
OK...I have some styrofoam...I will try that. Did you try it? After thinking about it... I am not so sure about styrofoam? I don't think I want it in my eggs.
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I would be cautious about putting something like that in my birds. I'd also be cautious about eating eggs from birds who were eating styrofoam. Is there any information on what chemicals could possibly be absorbed? I hope you're not selling those eggs without telling anyone what they've eaten.
Do the chickens have ample space in their coop and run? Overcrowding often results in feather picking and bullying types of behaviors. If they're also picking up loose feathers and eating them too, I'd also suspect a protein deficiency. If you're using a standard layer feed, the protein should be figured in for a balanced diet. You could try supplementing for a week or two with salmon, sunflower seeds, a little catfood, things with high protein.
Also, are there plenty of roosts inside both the coop and the run so that if a chicken IS getting picked on, there are places to escape to. Offer more than one feeder so that picked on birds have a place to eat.
My husband read something somewhere that said you can take some axle grease and dab a blob of it on the wounded area. The stink of the stuff will deter the pickers/peckers. It WORKS!! I mean, it works INSTANTLY. Just gotta reapply once in a while as needed. Hope this helps!
I will try the axle grease. What about Bitter Apple (the stuff we use to makes puppies stop chewing on furniture)? I didn't put the styrofoam in because I was unsure. I gave them cabbage and I will try sunflower seeds. See if that works to keep them busy. I also put a crate on it's side near a wall in the coop so if someone was getting picked on they could hide. Their coop is supposed to hold 15 chickens. We have 6 regular size chickens, and two bantams. The run is 4 x 8. I am unsure about letting them free range bec my neighbors half brain dog is always hanging around. How close to chickens stay to their coop? The coop is in our yard that is fenced in. Although, the fence is one of those black aluminim with the points on top. So although the neighbors dog can't get into the yard, the chickens could get through the bars and I know that dog would be on them in a flash. Ok...running out now to get sunflower seeds! Wish me luck.
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Okay...I am thinking overcrowding might be your issue. Really, your birds should have at least 70 sq. ft. of run space....10sq. ft. per standard bird, half that for bantams. Your run is less than half of that. Your coop (especially since you do have picking issues) should be at least about 28 sq. feet...but in the summer time, your run is more important, since they're not usually in the coop except to sleep and lay. Now come winter time, the size of your coop will be really important, because they'll spend a LOT more time indoors. Even if it's just using metal posts and chicken wire (since your yard is fenced), I would expand their run...I'm betting that's your issue.

Oh, and I just sprinkle sunflowers seeds about like tossing out scratch...a handful or two.
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