How do I tell if and egg is dead or not?

Miss Cheep

Aug 6, 2021
WA state
Hi, my duck French Vanilla is broody, and I was candling the eggs and I saw veins in them. When I turned the egg around to candle it, the veins and dark spot moved with it. Is this good or bad?

The first pic is French Vanilla, the second pic is the egg.

As long as you can see veins then the egg is alive. The veins disappear very quickly when an egg dies. The yolk (and with it the developing duckling and vascular system) will always float to the top of the egg, and birds turn their eggs often to help them grow and develop properly, so what you are seeing is this happening. Turning assists essential membranes to develop properly so that they can keep pace with the growth of, and deliver nutrients and oxygen efficiently to the developing duckling (or chick).

Good luck with the hatch. Vanilla is beautiful. 🥰

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