how do i tell


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
is there a way to telliff the eggs are bad or good before i break them open i read somewhere about dipping them in water is this true if they float they r good and if they sink they r bad could anyone let me know how they test there eggs because i wouldnt like to crak one open and find something bad inside fairly new to this always looking for advice many thanks byc ers
It's the other way around. If you put them in a deep bowl of cool water and they float, they are too old to eat. If they stay at the bottom, they are good. A really rotten egg will stink right through the shell, before you crack it. If you collect the eggs once or twice a day, they will be fresh, and you don't need to test them. You will not find a developing chick unless a hen has been sitting on the egg for several days and nights.

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