how do these look?


My chickens are molting.
I've read that they usually molt in the fall and most of the time they will stop laying for a few weeks to several months. You guessed it...... they shed their old feathers to grow new ones. Some commercial egg laying operations will force molting by limiting the amount of light, feed, and water available to the hens. They figure if they molt earlier, then they can extend the laying longer in the winter.
i read that they culled when it was time to molt! also - my 4 1/2 month old EE is loosing feathers. everywhere. today i held her and all i felt were pin feathers. is it possible to molt before they lay?
I also read that they were sometimes called to the stew pot after one year of laying before they molt. I don't know if they would molt before they would lay?????? I think they lose them in a certain order (head, neck, body,wing, and finally the tail)
Its funny cuz i gave my sis a 4 year old chicken that was mean and i thought she was done laying she has had her for 2 weeks and oh was i mad when jen called me last night and said she had 2 eggs!!!!!!1

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