How do we manage to get into these situations? Collected another "Slightly Damaged Stray"...

Whenever possible, I try to keep the government out of our business. They'd have complicated a matter that didn't need complicating. He's being taken care of now.

amen to that. Just wish there was a way of preventing the owner from doing it again. oh well, you're right, at least Gus is ok now thanks to u! that's the most important part!
I'm nervous about Gus being in training...

I just told Terry "What if they ruin him?" Terry said "What is there to ruin?"
Terry 1, Em 0.
Is the trainer nearby? Close enough you can visit? If so, visit. Often. Without calling ahead. Other times, schedule to be there when Gus is worked. Watch the interaction between Gus and the trainer. See how the other horses react around the trainer. If you are not comfortable with how Gus is acting or being handled - SPEAK UP.
Gus ain't no dummy, he said, "My family is about to go to Florida, I'm not missing that! Who is going to look after my turkeys?"

It's like how my boys would react to me going to the beach without them! Try not to worry too much, Em. He really will be a different horse when you see him again. Will you have a nice stall and pasture for him to come home to at your new place?
Sending Gus to a trainer may be traumatic for you, Em, but it's the best thing you can do for Gus. While it may be amusing to say that you have a stubborn brat for a horse, a stubborn brat is a liability, both for you and for himself. With good care and a little luck, this animal may live another 30 years - how likely is it that you would be able to keep him as a pasture ornament for that length of time? As you have seen, nobody likes to deal with an animal with a bad attitude. If this trainer is good at his job, he will be firm but fair. A smart horse like Gus will quickly figure out that doing what he is asked to do makes everybody happy, and he will go from a being a liability to being an asset that may be treasured by his future owner(s), should the need to rehome him arise.
We're moving from 5 acres, to 35. He's got a nice barn that Terry has to finish, but yeah, he's got a nice place to come home to. I know he needed to go to training...but I DO NOT want him to be a different horse...I want him to my Gus...just a little better behaved Gus. I know he was dangerous as he was...but I sure do love that horse. Terry made me buy boots today...he said "If you're going to ride, you need boots!"

I'm 150.00 poorer.

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