How do we manage to get into these situations? Collected another "Slightly Damaged Stray"...

Gus isn't a perfect horse. He isn't even what most people would deem a decent horse...he's my horse. He's ornery, he's stubborn, he's been expensive and a hell of a lot of trouble. For what we've spent on Gus in vet bills and training I could have purchased a completely trained
Horse, a nice saddle, and probably a new trailer to pull it all in...but this has never been about money, or even having a horse to's been simply to see that horse make his journey back from hopelessness to a new start. That's it. So yes, we have behavior issues, and a ton of other problems, but we'll make it work, because ultimately, my goal is the same as it was all those months help him heal.
Gus isn't a perfect horse. He isn't even what most people would deem a decent horse...he's my horse. He's ornery, he's stubborn, he's been expensive and a hell of a lot of trouble. For what we've spent on Gus in vet bills and training I could have purchased a completely trained
Horse, a nice saddle, and probably a new trailer to pull it all in...but this has never been about money, or even having a horse to's been simply to see that horse make his journey back from hopelessness to a new start. That's it. So yes, we have behavior issues, and a ton of other problems, but we'll make it work, because ultimately, my goal is the same as it was all those months help him heal.

Gus is a lucky boy to have found you
Well, update on Gus. He went on a 42 mile wagon ride with 18 other wagons and 33 other horses. He did awesome. The trainer was do impressed with him that he asked to buy him if I ever decided to sell him. He said "You have an amazing horse."
A few months too late. Terry made me promise that if I spent the money to train him I'd never sell him. Not only that, I honestly didn't realize just how attached Gus had become to me until we went to see him at the trainers...I really think he's been bounced around and had enough uncertainty in his life. He's got a home with me the rest of his days.
I already knew that!
Tomorrow I leave for Mississippi. We will be there until the paperwork on the horses come back, then we will make the incredibly long (and for me, stressful) journey home. Tonight I can't help but think of everything and everyone that has helped us get here. From monetary donations, to supplies, advice, support, encouragement, and sometimes, just a prayer or a comforting shoulder. I couldn't have gotten to this point without it. I try never to say "I" took this horse and turned him around. Because *I* didn't. Every single one of you helped. Even if it was just reading these updates and posting, you helped. You kept me going on those days that I didn't know if I could do it. I'm not a "horse person". I have never owned a horse and never expected to. Im the last person who should be saving horses. But for some reason, fate tossed me an animal with a less than perfect past, and we saved each other. I say he saved me because I see a lot of myself in him, and in helping him heal, he's helped me as well. We have a long road ahead of us, but because of all of you, I know we'll do it. So, thank you. Thank you Terry, for never giving up on Gus, or on me. I know that when it comes to him, I am absolutely not rational or easy to deal with. Thank you Jennifer, for being my outlet and for all the ways you have helped and supported me. Thank you Kaye, JD, George, Don, Tani, Eenie, Kristy, and the many, many others who have donated, and read, and shared his story. This is not just a victory for Gus and I, it is for all of you as well. Without you, we wouldn't be here. Gus and I are incredibly lucky, to have so many people reaching out to give us a helping hand.

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