How do you "break" broodiness?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 15, 2012
One of my hen is sitting. Since I have them in my backyard with NO rooster, she is wasting her time.

I have read about putting the broody hen in a cage for a few days without bedding but water and food, of course. If I do that, can I leave her with the other girls outside and put her in the garage at night? or what should I do?

Which system did work for you? I have a small backyard with 3 hens free ranging. My front yard is patrolled by cats and who knows what.

Thanks a lot.
Thanks, I forgot about the pecking order thing. She is already at the bottom so I don't want to make it more difficult for her. how big should the cage be? I guess I could put it up on a crate which would keep her away form the pine shavings on the floor of the coop. Would I just leave her there in the coop? If so, how do I know she is done brooding? There are probably silly questions, but I am a total newbie. Just got my hens in mid January. They are 38-40 weeks old. Thanks.

PS: I have 2 Molted Javas and 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte
Yes, elevate it off the shavings. Cinder blocks would work well. Keep her there 2-3 days then let her out and see if she's snapped out of it. If she goes back to nesting, you will have to put her back in.

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