How do you bring yourself to do the deed?


10 Years
Jul 26, 2009
The killing part.

I've done the cleaning part -- a bit disgusting, but do-able.

It's the killing part I can't do. I always feel sorry for the dumb thing, and it would turn into a pet.

I would seriously raise some meaties for the freezer if I thought I could just do it.

After all, they're genetically doomed from the start anyway, it's not like they have a future beyond their 20 weeks or whatever.
It's not easy but with meaties, I know that if I don't do it and try to keep them as pets, they will probably suffer in the end. I would rather give them a quick end and know that they are going to be doing a service by feeding my family or someone else's rather than let them get too big and die of a heart attack or suffer with leg problems. I have only done one layer for a friend of mine and that was because she was ill. I felt worse with that one actually since we just had to throw her body away rather than put it to good use.
Potterwatch is right, it's not easy. At least not at first. You just have to grit your teeth through it. Done correctly, the bird has no idea what just happened. It was sitting in a box one second, then upside down in a cone, then the lights went out. I suffered more than the bird did the first time.

Here's one of my own postings on this very subject:

Or more recently:
I will be honest, I can't and won't do it myself. We have a butcher place not that far from us and they only charge $2.00 to butcher and bag. I take the chickens 1st thing in the morning and pick them up in bags later that same day. In my opinion $2 is way worth it! They deal with it all and I pick up what I'd pick up in the grocery store!
The first one is the hardest. It gets easier every time after that. Before you know it you will be a pro and take a lot of pride in raising and processing food to feed your family.
My family just did our first batch of birds for meat. I did the killing and my kids helped with the plucking and my wife did the cleaning. My youngest son had a real hard time with the killing at first, but I had a talk with him and we discussed how we had cared for them and gave them a good life. We discussed that by putting them in a cone and getting it done quickly was very respectful and ultimately it was putting food on our table. He was okay after that. I think sometimes it is a perspective thing. I don't think he would have been able to "do the deed" ... that takes time. My wife cannot do that part. I am okay with it, becasue I know that they were raised well. the birds we get in the supermarket live like horrible animals in cages most likely. Ours got to eat grass and got sunshine and the like.
you say not too cut wind pipe why my dad always just choped the head clean off
I think I have killed 9 so far. The last 3 were pretty easy. I would worry about you if you didn't feel anything. For me it was a matter of deciding that I should be willing to "do the deed" if I wanted to eat the meat.
LC orps- If the chicken is hung up-side down and just it's juglar vein cut then it will quickly bleed out completely and die . Makes a superior product for the table that way. Be sure to also chill them in the fridge for a couple of days before freezing or eating. This gives the muscles time to relax and makes for more tender meat. Far above what can be bought in the grocery store from the mass produced chickens!

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