How do you bring yourself to do the deed?

I processed two roosters today. I was home by myself so I had to catch them first. That makes it harder for me because while I am trying to catch them I am thinking about what they are trying to avoid. So I guess it is easier for me if someone else catches them first. Does that make any sense?
My neighbor and I processed our first batch of 25 Freedom Rangers this weekend and my wife and I processed 3 RIRs last fall. One thing I've done is to keep in mind during the entire rearing of the FRs, from the time I contemplated placing the order until I started setting up the cones Saturday morning, that this is their primary purpose. I also remembered that if I had decided not to go through with it, the birds would have gone to someone who may not have done the deed with the intention, reverence, and care that we did. The weekend of processing really took it out of me emotionally and physically, yet I plan to raise another batch of meat birds either this summer or some other time. I expect it will become easier with more experience however I doubt I will do it glibly or with a light heart.

We have a half dozen beautiful layers in the back yard and I often remind myself that one day I will also put each one of them in the cone if a predator doesn't take them first.

These creatures are entertaining, a joy to watch and have, and make our lives fuller and richer, however they are not pets.

OK, since I started this thread, and have been reading it along with other threads on this forum, a follow-up.

It isn't the death concept that bothers me, it's just the manner of death.

Is there a REALLY humane way to get them to "go" without damaging the meat. Like, for example, put them in the killing cone to end the struggle, and then gas them with a little ether or Carbon Dioxide to knock them out before doing the deed?

Sorry if it sounds stupid -- I really would like to try raising some of my own -- they are taking pre-orders at the feed store for Cornish Cross and Broadbreasted White and Bronze Turkeys.
My kinda Man !
I know what you are saying. But I'm telling you, cut the carotid and within 5 seconds they're out. The first bird was really hard. Then it just became work. Now it's something we do without even thinking about it. Maybe I've lost something...some innocence. I don't know. I'm an omnivore but I won't outsource my killing. And I prefer not to eat a stranger.

We are careful not to cut the wind pipe because I don't want them to choke out their last few seconds. Andy Lee points out in Chicken Tractor that the bird may also inhale blood. Really, I just want them to pass out and bleed out thoroughly. Cutting the carotid does exactly that. You can get an electric stunning knife online that totally puts them out before cutting but they don't give them away. Not to keep advertising for Andy Lee, he advocates using one in Day Range Poultry in part for the humane killing aspect, also because he believes it relaxes the bird and makes it easier to pluck. But again, they don't give them away. See both books for excellent descriptions and instructions.

We don't behead the birds because we want the nervous system to continue functioning. The heart keeps pumping giving us a clean bird. Look at the thigh bone when you cook a bird. If there is a pool of blood on the thigh, it wasn't done right. If it's not done right you'll get a foamy broth. Chinese customers HATE foamy broth. They also hate fat on the birds but that's another story.

Me either. They are pretty. And pretty scrawny. I always do an autopsy when I lose a hen, predation or otherwise. It gives me a chance to monitor health of my flock. I truly hate doing it but I think it is important and it doesn't affect my desire to eat dense protein with hot sauce when hungry.
Your Man card has now been revoked for life...................................... common Man it ain't rocket science or the dang Oprah/Dr phill show, it's knowing where your food comes from and having the stones to provide for your family in the true sense, without having a female moment LOL. This is the meat bird bird section not the therapy section. It's fine if you can't, then do your shoping at walmart, But sheeesh Man get a grip.

I apologize in advance to the Op & Mod's.
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My kinda Man !

If you have issues with eating meat, the Meat Birds section may not be the right one for you to be reading.

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