How do you candle the Orp eggs? ps. Saw veining in the silkie egg!


10 Years
Jan 15, 2010
East bay
I candled a couple of the eggs set 2/26 using a LED flashlight (small one with a lot of LEDs in it)
Was able to see through the silkie egg and saw decent deveopment.
Tried the light on a blue orp egg and can't see jack, its got its own chalky opaque privacy coating. Maybe the light is not strong enough?

Is there a candler that is strong enough to see through thick chalky shells like the orps? How many lumens does it require?
I use one of those LED flashlights too and I have no problem with someting like an Orpington egg. Mine is almost like weapons-grade bright though, it will knock a perpetrator back for a sec. I picked it up at Lowe's for like 60 bucks.

Marans eggs are still difficult with it, but in general I can see whether the egg is a clear or has "something" in there. If you can determine that with your Orp egg, you'll be alright.

btw, I hatched a Blue and a Splash Orp a while back for somebody else and brooded them for a couple weeks...they are adorable and sweet.
Thanks for your reply.
I can't tell if theres anything in there, can't even see the yolk outline, its got a really thick coating. Do you happen to know what how many lumens the flashlight you use is?

Unfortunately we are limited on chickens or I would keep an orp or 2, they are headed for my moms ranch. I'm hoping to get a speckled sussex and a silkie out of this hatch though.
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I have no idea on the lumens, but it does have one of those "Laser Warning" stickers on it cautioning against shining it into the eyes.

Someday, I would love to get one of those 2M Candlepower spot lights and shine it through a tiny hole in a box and see how that does.
If it helps as a reference point, my LED flashlight said "80 lumens" on the package, and is adequate for everything *except* the very thickest-bluest eggs. I have read people recommend 110 lumen flashlights for those and for dark marans type eggs.

Dread Pirate Roberts, that is funny, I was just reading an advertising circular from the newspaper about 5 minutes ago with a sale on one of those 2 million candlepower things and was mulling over using it as a candler

If you can find an old slide-projector, e.g. at a thrift store or garage sale, those are supposed to be good for candling difficult eggs.

Ive used 2 lights before.. first time out I tossed a 9 day old chick in a green shell.. (couldnt see anything) I then started the 2 lighte.. I set my egg in a toilet paper tube and then put a candle on the top and one towards the bottom..
Thanks everyone, I'm going to have to do some shopping.

With a warning label like that its got to be good, lol maybe I will have to make a lowes trip.
I picked up a 115 lumens coleman LED light and a maglite 3D LED enhanced flashlight. Both are super-bright (yes, I just had to look into them), but the maglite worked a little better. Still can't see thru my olive egg though. With the maglite, it lit the edges of the egg, and with the coleman it didn't even do that much. It's like trying to see thru a solid black wall. I held the maglite up to my hand, and could see thru my hand, which was actually pretty cool, so like I said, very bright. They both work well on my brown eggs, and on light eggs, I could practically see the embryo growing
Good luck on your light search, I hope you find one that works well for you.
Say what... I need to dig out the slide projector up in the attic? Seriously?
I can't visualize using the 2 candle method, kassy. Can you explain more?
we hatch maran eggs...and they are tough...we wait til day 7 and then shut off all lights in basement...we have a makeshift candler...its a wood box with a small hole cut in the top...we then took a mouse pad and cut a hole the same size...we put a 100 watt bulb in the bottom...and when you set the egg on it...the mouse pad gives enough cushion that you can get a seal on the egg and the light goes through instead of around works out fine for us...and makes use of the old mouse pads..ha ha ha...hope this helps.

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