How do you catch a rabbit?

Additionally, rabbits are very social! You'll probably be surprised once she warms up to you, they're just like cats, but more lovey! Once you get to that point, you'll see why free ranging is a great option. ;) With this in mind, make sure you have time to socialize with her daily, this will also pay off when she becomes the most social rabbit ever, and you end up taking her places with you. Honestly, if you put the time in, rabbits will end up being just like dogs. :D If you don't have the time to socialize with her, looking on your local shelter page at other rabbits for adoption is always a worthwhile idea, even if your just window shopping. You will have to integrate them just like chickens, though it will probably be harder since rabbits are very territorial. That doesn't mean they can't love each other in the end though!
Also, spaying and neutering. By spaying or neutering him or her, you may be able to reduce the risk of reproductive cancer. Similar situation as dogs. She will also potty train faster, and wont mark their territory as often. Territory marking will look like a few poops here and there, and spaying or neutering can help avoid that.
I think I covered everything this time. :p
Thank you, that was a lot of information and I very much appreciate it since I'm clueless.
I was thinking of using a tote, cutting a small hole in it, fill it with hay, and leave it in a bush by the house. Hahahaha but idk if the rabbit will look at it as shelter.
I bet she could go in, wether or not you would be able to catch her is another thing. Post on FB and see if anyone has a live trap you could borrow. We were able to borrow one form a neighbor when I caught Aspen.
I bet she could go in, wether or not you would be able to catch her is another thing. Post on FB and see if anyone has a live trap you could borrow. We were able to borrow one form a neighbor when I caught Aspen.
Would it help her survive? I don't have FB but I'm hoping to ask someone when I go back out Wednesday.
Would leaving anything near it (like plants they like to eat?) to make it more inviting?

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