How do you catch your chickens?

All i did is... teach them to come to me with their favorite treats and let them eat them out of your hands.
I have 39 chickens, they all following me and greeting people, if they walk by my house my chickens WILL run to them and greeting.
its funny. anyway. you can try to let them go you with their favorite treats or bread then let them get use to you. its might work for you. yes its takes a while. but its up to you. haha
So much great advice! Now that I know that they love grapes I will have to teach them to eat out of my hand.
My chickens are really friendly so I just pick them up with my hands!

It worked! Those greedy little chickies were only too happy to snatch the grapes right out of my hand. Now I have a much easier way of being able to grab one of the buggers when I need to. Thanks for so much for the help everyone!
It worked! Those greedy little chickies were only too happy to snatch the grapes right out of my hand. Now I have a much easier way of being able to grab one of the buggers when I need to. Thanks for so much for the help everyone!

Woo hoo. Just make sure you also give them treats and NOT handle them. That way they don't associate treats with being handled.
My girls are always at me feet when they are out of their run and I am doing anything in the yard. I cant do any work in the yard without locking them in their run or they will get stepped on.It's kind of alarming when you step out of the house and 10 chickens come charging at you full speed, just hoping you have a treat for them!! I made sure that from when they were chicks, that they would be friendly and easy to handle. If I want to pick one up, I just bend over with my palm up and they let me pick them right up. I do know that I better have treats for them most of the time, but it does keep them easy to handle.

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