How do you dispose of your chicken bedding?


'Can't wait to see how my tomatoes grown this year!
I tend to push the limits but doing so means I could have my birds taken away and have to pay a hefty fine. Luckily I don't think I'll have that much bedding for my small coop and my 6 girls.
you could always post an ad on freecycle or on craigs list there may be someone who wants it for their gardens that lives outside the county
This is only for paper work purposes. I'm still waiting to see if there are some others in my area and what they told the city what they did. I find it kind of ridiculous that they allow dogs to poop all over yards with out any clean up but a little bit of bedding is considered a no-no. I compost my rabbit's litter in the compost heap.
Don't "compost" it then. Just spread it and spade or till it into an unused area of the yard or a garden. You can use it as fertilizer without building an actual compost pile. The only problem is it is pretty "hot" when fresh so it tends to burn plants, thus the recommendation for using it an unplanted area of the garden.
Well, I have five chickens. I scrape my dropping boards and pick up soiled bedding daily (into the poop bucket it goes). Once a week I empty the poop bucket into our compost barrel. You could simply empty yours into a Kroger or waste basket bag and throw it in with garbage, which is how I do kitty litter and waste. It seems a waste, but you have to say you're doing something. Once a week, I add a little fresh bedding to their coop. I will only do a full bedding toss out probably 2x a year, and you could always bag that up like folks who get rid of leaves.
I spread my used brooder bedding around perennial plantings such as blueberries, figs, blackberries, camellias, rose bed and so on.

The once or twice a year I clean out the hen house it goes straight into the garden in an area that isn't currently planted.

I do the same as most and add it to the compost pile. Don't you have composting bags that the city picks up? Can you use those and send it away?
City no longer picks up yard waste due to budget cuts. However I have talked with someone who went through the same process and they said that they just chuck it into the trash. So for paper purposes I guess I'll just put it in the trash.

Thanks for your help everyone.
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