How do you feed chicks treats, not what but how?


9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
I want to start giving my chicks treats. I have read the information on this site about what to give them. But how do you give it to them? Do you chop things up fine? Or for example do you put in a piece of apple and let them pick at it? Thanks for any help or advice!

I would just let them peck at whatever you offer. I used to put yogurt or chopped hard boiled eggs in the brooder in a small bowl and let them go at it. Funny to watch them play keepaway with egg whites. Remember that apple can have a laxative effect, so go easy on it.
I start with yogurt. They actually love it once they venture close enough to peck at it. It is easy because all you have to do is stick a small container in the brooder. When they are about 6 weeks, I cut grapes in half and just toss them in there. Lettuce too in small pieces. I don't do apples til they are older and can grab it and run around in circles for my amusement.
Mine are 4 weeks and I have been giving them egg (LOVE IT) and cabbage chopped up into 1/4 inch bits or so. I hand feed them the egg and put the cabbage in a bowl. they didn't like grapes or yogurt.

I don't know if anyone else has noticed this or if it is only my chickens, but they BITE. Not pecking to get the egg out of my hand but biting the skin! NOT nice chickens.
With this last batch of babies I couldn't get them to eat yogurt, so I chopped up some boiled egg and mixed it all up (looked so gross) they loved it! depending on the fruit/veggie I normally chop it up or leave it whole and they'll pick it to pieces, like strawberries, grapes I smash.
I never chopped anything - at less than 2 weeks old, I made sure they had grit for a couple days to make sure they knew what to do with it then I just threw in a pile of greens. The first day they pecked at it but didn't do much damage to it. By the second time, they made good progress. By the third time, they knew exactly how to peck their own bite sized pieces off. Also, I didn't spread it around the brooder. Just put it in one big pile. The frenzy was entertaining for the people! Some chicks even tried to bathe in the pile of greens. Now at 8 weeks old their favorites are large slices of watermelon and whole carrots. They can make a whole carrot disappear in no time! This week they have gotten some corn tortillas that got a bit dry and love those as well.
I used to bring them all kinds of bugs, and buy mealworms and stuff, now I take a more handsoff approach. They learn to eat treats (BOSS and scratch) from watching the adults, so they are less scared of treats, but they first have to get big enough to earn the right to eat with the adults (not get chased away)

I put chicks outside on the ground/grass as early as possible, so I don't need to bring them grass.
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My chicks are pretty spoiled. I got sick of leftovers sitting in my fridge. So, I give them lots of goodies, I usually just pour it in. Corn, stuffing, pasta etc. Literally all I do is drain of the extra liquid, add a little grit and toss it in. I also give them worms usally small ones from my red wiggler farm. Between the chicks and the worms I have almost zero leftovers
Oh and to amarie I usally make them take the worms out of my palm they sometimes bite my fingertips but have never really hurt me.
Each morning I tear up either beet leaves or swiss chard leaves for each of the 3 brooders. I use 4oz yogurt cups and other larger plastic containers to offer treats such as yogurt, mashed up bananas, and oatmeal (the young group loved it this morning...teenagers were not impressed

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