how do you feel about space exploration?


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
newport news va
is it something we really need to spend billions on? i understand the jobs it creates for n.a.s.a and other civil/n.a.s.a. related jobs but we have oceans that we don't even explore. i think we have done enough in space for now and we need to focus on earth. just my opinion, what is yours?
I think it is just human nature to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

I don't think you can stop the drive to explore.
I don't see the point in all honesty. It's another great way for the government to waste money we need for other things.

However, on a related note, I am shocked at a survey I heard about on the radio today that says something like 50% of people under the age of 40 don't believe or highly doubt there ever was a moon walk. Honestly? People believe in UFOs but don't believe a person ever walked on the moon??? I don't get it
Perhaps it's easier to build a ship to travel through the vaccum of space than it is to build a ship to withstand the extreme pressure of the ocean depths.

I'm all for space exploration. It also promotes huge advancements in technology and telecommunications.
As we use up the natural resources on earth, turning to space to replace lost precious metals and even supply water is going to be essential. Initially, yes, it will cost billions of dollars to be in space, but mine one single SMALL asteroid and we're talking about working on a profit.

See: Mining the Sky by John S. Lewis

Turning our backs on the potential of space is like sitting, starving, in front of a feast that is ours for the asking.

The *problem* is that space exploration only makes sense if it is privatized. NASA works too slowly and has to deal with government funding. Only privatization with people investing in space travel and expansion is going to make it progress. When was the last time someone walked on the moon? Do you even know?

Right now the Chinese are making much more progress towards space travel/expansion than anyone else. Paying attention to earthly dynamics means that their foothold in space could actually be dangerous for those of us who are letting go.

Is space travel necessary? Yes, I believe so.
Is it profitable? Without a doubt-- and we have the technology now.

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