How do you keep a ducks sleeping area clean?

First of all Quacky New Year everyone!.

Secondly going on the how I keep my duck house clean. The duck house has two levels in it which have both been lined with kitchen lino . Everyday I go out with a wallpaper scraper and clean it out. I find if I do it first thing in a morning the poop comes up easily but if I do it at night it sets really hard and I really have to scrape .

Lauren from UK
First of all Quacky New Year everyone!.

Secondly going on the how I keep my duck house clean. The duck house has two levels in it which have both been lined with kitchen lino . Everyday I go out with a wallpaper scraper and clean it out. I find if I do it first thing in a morning the poop comes up easily but if I do it at night it sets really hard and I really have to scrape .

Lauren from UK
You don't use any bedding in your duck house Lauren from the UK

I use vinyl in my houses but they also have bedding [pine horse bedding]
@MissLydia No Not at the moment I don't use any bedding, I have Shavings and Straw but I found that when they went to bed - Obviously they were wet from being in the pond and they were on shavings etc, the shavings got wet and then they were laying on wet bedding all night which I believe wet straw and shavings cause them respiratory problems.

They seem to like it in there I sometimes find that they go in there in the day time for a nap

@MissLydia No Not at the moment I don't use any bedding, I have Shavings and Straw but I found that when they went to bed - Obviously they were wet from being in the pond and they were on shavings etc, the shavings got wet and then they were laying on wet bedding all night which I believe wet straw and shavings cause them respiratory problems.

They seem to like it in there I sometimes find that they go in there in the day time for a nap

If it works for you that's what counts!

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