How do you keep track of what a hen is laying.


11 Years
Dec 27, 2008
My first pullet layed her first egg and I was just wondering how you keep track of which hen is laying and how often? Is there like a chart or something that maybe I could use to get an Idea of how to go about doing this? Thanks Sandy
well i keep a big chart and i sit in the nesting box area and see whos egg is whos ive only got 3 layers right now and all my chickens will lay different colors so thats pretty easy
Ive just got the one pullet that started laying yesterday morning but I have 18 more that should start laying pretty soon. The leghorns eggs should be pretty easy to see whos doing what because I have only two of the white egg layers every one else is brown egg layers and EEs so that might get alittle tuff. LOL But Im home from work on a Med. leave so I have time to sit in there and watch, But with my luck these girls will wait for my back to be turned! LOL , Thanks for the idea
and also to see who is laying you could do a pelvic count sounds weird but this is how i tell if they are about to lay or are already laying. you hold the bird with its head back and the back under your arm, then you take three fingers and there is 2 bones that big bone on the bottom that sticks out and the one on top if it measures 3 fingers or more between them they are ready or have began laying
Thanks so much that helps alot, Im going to check peaches in the morning and probably a few more that are looking and acting like big girls now. Again youve been a great help! Sandy
Since my hens cannot free range because of all the 'free ranging' dogs in the neighborhood, I am going to build tractors for my girls.

I have several breeds of hens that are all going to lay a wide range of colors. So, I am going to make the tractor large enough to hold 6 or so hens (each different egg color). It shouldn't be all that hard to keep records of who lays what and how many. Using this method, I can pick the best layers to breed to my Araucana rooster.

I have 1) Araucana cross - green
2) Araucana cross - blue
3) Leghorns - white
4) Barred Rocks - brown
5) Cuckoo Maran - dark brown
6) Silver Laced Wyandotte - brown
7) Game Cross - cream

I have already discovered that I have a hen that is a free loader. She lays a beautiful light brown egg with a sort of gray speckle, I thought another hen was the culprit. But, I was working in the chicken house when she decided to lay one of her rare eggs.....

She is going to become a Roasting hen a lot sooner than she wants to be !
My boyfriend says he can make her into a delightful dinner.

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