How do you keep wasps out of your (open) sheds?

I get them in my barns and porches. So I spray that wasp 25 foot stream stuff in the corners or areas they try to build and it will deter them for a year or two ,if not washed. I sent for one of those fake wasp nest, so we will see.
My barns are green- but I have had mud dabbers and paper wasp build nest onthe back of the dutch doors I keep clipped back.
Freeze the wasp's.
If you turn a can of compressed air upside down and spray something comes out and it instantly freezes bugs.I did this to a fly once and it died instanly very bad frostbite lol:lol:
Thanks for the great tip on the paint. I'm going to try that!

We use those heavy Ziploc bags filled with water and hung by clamps onto a nail in the barn for flies.
It's the same principal as the paper hornet's nest deterrent and it works. They don't come near it. Ours are home made but they do sell them in various horse and farm websites/catalogs.

In lots of the BBQ places and other restaurants that have outside eating areas or those that adjoin the inside with folks going in and out the doors you'll see these plastic water bags hanging.
I finally asked what they were for after about a year of wondering!
You don't see wasps or yellow jackets around them either, though I have seen red wasps build up higher in the rafters where they couldn't see the water bags so much.
Having a completely sky-blue house (people house, not chicken house)... I'm not sure the blue paint works.
We still get wasps, lots of them. Few years back I got zinged right in the head by one that was living in a crack in the siding. They definitely build under the gutters and in doorways.

And trust me, I *want* something that simple to work, but from experience it just doesn't seem like it's going to.
One word... Permethrin!
Look for concentrated solutions of it in your farm/garden supply store.
Like Orchelins or Tractor Supply.
Usually marketed under Permectrin
You could try putting DE in a sock and whacking it against the nest then run like hell too. I had one not too far from the front door of my house last year so everytime someone would come and go from the front door they would come out in swarms. Because the corner where the nest was is too high to reach with a sock full of de I used a squirt bottle full of sudsy ammonia. It took care of the wasps but the nest was still there so once the wasps were dead and gone we knocked the nest down.
Wasps on my porch get the broom treatment. Wasps in the barn I let go. Why? They don't bother me (with the exception of yellow jackets but they are ground dwellers).

All wasps are varocious predators. They either kill or eat other (usually harmful) insects, or they paralyze them and feel them to their young.

So for me it depends on the species and how aggressive they are. How many people here have actually been stung by paper wasps when you were minding your own business?

ohh what about building a perch right next to the nest. I bet the chocks would take care of them.
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