How do you kill Fire Ants? (and not hurt your chickens)


11 Years
Mar 24, 2008
What is the best thing to do to kill Fire Ants??!!!
They're everywhere.
Please help.
We usually use Amdro and it works great, but now with the chickens I am afraid to use it and how long after you do use it can you allow chickens to be in the area?
With a magnifying glass
I regularly use molassas as an organic fertalizer adjuct. I have read several places that molassas poured on fire ant mounds will drive then away. Won't kill them, but just makes the move. I've never done it or seen it work (we luckily don't fire ants in Hawaii), but my father who lives in Texas says it works.
Here are two articles about using molassas and fire ants. Give it a try and let us know.
Denali, is that a joke or would that work on the whole mound and get it really hot and kill them or would they just run away?
i think it was a joke considering the"
drown em maybe? smash them, burn them do something! Lol
oh wait heres a good one....throw a gernade in the hole LOL
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I've read that uncooked grits will kill em. Makes them implode. Also I've read that borax and white sugar mixed and sprinkled on the mound will kill them. Good luck!
well now if you are talking about torturing them and burning them, we uses to pour gasoline into their nests and let it soak down into the nest. Light a gas trail and it was a little underground explosion. Throw thousands of ant and dirt in the air and made a cool fireball
Probally not very effective and not good for the environment, but it was entertaining to a bunch of teenage boys

I don't know about fire ants, but to kill plain old red ants around our place I pour boiling water into each mound. That seems to do the trick.
Wish I could say food grade diatomaceous earth works, but I've been experimenting, and it doesn't work well. If you use Amdro, just don't let your chickens free range until it has rained several times, and you should be OK. I'm using Ortho or Orthene dust fireant killer at the advice of my county agent. I still won't let my chickens free range near the mounds (even though they seem to stay away from fireants after one bite) until it rains several times. Best wishes. I have them EVERYWHERE, too!

Btw, I tried the grits years ago, and they didn't work. The fire ants just appeared to be fatter! REALLY!
I used the DE with good results but you have to keep at it for three or four weeks. I sprinkled it into the mound and stir it up and leave it for a week then do it again. The DE kills the larva.

PS- Please don't mix it with something sweet that might attract the honeybees...

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