How do you know it's scrambled?


10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
I'm on day 12. I bought a brighter flashlight since I have some maran and welsummer eggs in the incubator.

24 eggs arrived together from same shipper and nothing broke.
I still can not really SEE much in the 12 dark eggs. My 12 lighter eggs ALL have babies moving around inside.

The welsummers mostly seem more uniform so I think they may be 'clear' eggs. Not so dark inside.
The marans are the ones I wonder about. They have a darker section below the air sack, but the air sack is not completely smooth like it is on the others. Some of them seem equally dark all through that section. Does that mean it is scrambled? There is still a somewhat lighter section at the bottom.
I can't really see well enough to see veining or a 'darker' little one moving.

Nothing is leaking, nothing smells, and I'm totally new at this, so I'm just going to let them stay in there until they hatch or show signs that they must come out.

What do you think?
Thanks SilkieChicken. I will gladly follow that advice.

But what do you all mean when you say an egg is scrambled? When you are more experienced are you able to tell when candling? Can you describe it?
I would also like to know. I opended some eggs last night and the yoke just went everywhere it wasn't all a nice ball like it is when you have a fresh egg.
What did that one look like when you candled it?
Could you tell something was wrong or did it just appear 'clear'?
No I had a blood ring on the ones that died and then even the clear ones looked scrambled when I opened them. They looked normal in the egg.

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