How do you know when to cull...and


13 Years
May 13, 2010
how do you do it? Everyone talks about it but I don't know if thats just a nice way of saying some horrible things? I'm hatching my first batch and want to be prepared ahead of time if possible for the worst scenario.Any input appreciated...
It is hard to say when to cull. It depends on the circumstances. The only thing I can say is if a chick appears to be suffering or in distress, that is the time for me to cull.
There are a lot of thread on here about methods if you do a search.

I've done the cutting the head off with a sharp pair of scissors. I'd say this is the most traumatic for me, but the best for the chick. I've tried pithing them and been unsuccessful, so I won't try that until I've had a chance to practice on an already dead chick. I haven't tried neck breaking because I don't know how and don't want to do it wrong. I think the easiest on the person is using baking soda and vinegar to make CO2 and gassing the chick to death, but I think that's easier on you and harder on the chick. The one thing I've heard people do that is NOT okay is freezing them, that is a horrible slow painful death.

And when, I do it when either the chick is dying or is has something that is not treatable or causing suffering. Things I've had to cull for 2 chicks that never really were strong enough, eventually progressed to laying there unable to move, culled them. A chick that was hatching missing half its head with brains visible, culled before it finished hatching. A few others, but those stand out.
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Well I look at whether the chick is weak and acting sickly and/or if it has any obvious deformities from an overall quality of life aspect. If a chick is too weak and doesn't perk up in 24 hrs I either let mother nature take it or I do. I know some will set legs, I usually don't a deformed leg won't make it in our environment so I will cull. I usually break their necks in a quick snap. Its not a procedure for everyone. I know some will snip their heads up with a pair of sharp shears, some people advocate freezers and ether. The longer you worry over it the worst it is, so when and if you do it you have to move on from it. I also try not to help too much with hatching, if they can't hatch on their own and I've made sure that my humidity and temps were the best they can be then it may not develop into a vigorous bird that I want in my coop. There are several threads on this...I believe in in the "raising chicks" forum.
OMG...I hope I don't have to do any of that! But....of course I would if I needed to...I'd get the hubby on it right away! Let me ask you this...what about letting nature take it's course? ...No offense intended to anyone.Just not sure I could personally do it.

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