How do you make a flock block?

2chicks poultry

6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Othello Washington
Does anyone know how to make a flock block that is cheap to make, easy to make and nutricious for my birds?
If so please post!
I just tried my hand at making my first flock block! It looks like it's going to harden like it's supposed to, but we'll see! If it doesn't harden, then it'll be a....chicken loaf?

I took several biscuts (that had been in the freezer for quite a while), and a few slices of bread, and put them all in a microwave-safe bowl, and added water. I kneaded it until it turned doughy (adding water if it was too dry).

Then added:
Cracked corn
Black oil sunflower seeds
Regular bird seed
Dried mealworms.

I mixed it all up (by hand), then pressed it down until it was flat on the top. I then put it in the microwave for five minutes, then checked it. It was still doughy, so I put it in for an additional five minutes.

It started smelling like it was burning a little, so I took it out and put it on the counter. It looked a little dry, so I added maybe an 1/8 of a cup of water. So far, it is hardening nicely! Hope the girls will like it! I'll let you know how it turns out!

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