How do you name your chickens?

Oh, I never see my mother in law she's not someone that is capable of sharing space with me without flaunting her mastery of b*tchatude.
Iv'e replaced her with an equally charming hen that is the color of her hair.
Honestly, I like her much better this way, she's livid about it of course.
Makes me smile, most silly things do.🤭
Lol, that’s great! I’m just not a fan of two beings in my life with the same name. It can get confusing. Growing up my grandmother and my family both had dogs named Baby and I’d rather avoid it for myself, but if it works for you that’s great!
Oh, I never see my mother in law she's not someone that is capable of sharing space with me without flaunting her mastery of b*tchatude.
Iv'e replaced her with an equally charming hen that is the color of her hair.
Honestly, I like her much better this way, she's livid about it of course.
Makes me smile, most silly things do.🤭
Sounds therapeutic and like something I’d do
It is actually,lets me be passive aggressive in a non hurtful way and technically have a great relationship with her..
I cook her dinner every day, do her nails we are besties!
That is my go to answer when im asked about her and has likely earned me a little spot in hell.
The white one is improved MIL, the other one is Susan who she nearly killed as a chick.
She made her only freind by way of Stockholm syndrome, :)
Sounds therapeutic and like something I’d do
It is actually,lets me be passive aggressive in a non hurtful way and technically have a great relationship with her..
I cook her dinner every day, do her nails we are besties!
That is my go to answer when im asked about her and has likely earned me a little spot in hell.
The white one is improved MIL, the other one is Susan who she nearly killed as a chick.
She made her only freind by way of Stockholm syndrome, :)

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I think I personally use the term petty. Hey, at least Stockholm Syndrome worked!
My pullets are 8 weeks old and I still haven’t named them. 😅 At first it was because I couldn’t tell them apart. As they get older and I get a better eye for chickens I now can, but I’m still at a loss. Nothing feels right and I don’t know where to begin. I know I’m putting too much thought into it, but while I ponder, I thought I’d ask how other people decide their bird’s names. If they stick with a theme or just name them the first thing that comes to mind.

My first 2 are Bert and Sally, BO'S, for two of my best friends. Then I got 2SLW and named one after my sister ( passed years ago) Louise and I immediately named the other Thelma. I can tell them apart because Thelma has more white around her head and neck. Then I got 2 RIR one is One Feather, because she was molting and only had one feather on her tail . The other is Ruby because her comb is very red. I thought she was a rooster right up until yesterday when I watched her lay an egg. I have two barred Rocks Named one Leverne and the other Shirley. I have 5 white leghorns. One is Lilly her comb lists to the left and then there is Laura who's comb lists to the right. They both have very big combs, And then there is Lovey. She has a lot of yellow tint around her shoulders and neck. The other two I can't tell apart so they are called White Birds. LOL.
I have 4 americanas named Roost lee. (Roosty).chickie chan.(chickie) meeggie (eggie) and cluck norris (clucky)...and my 2 millie fliers are shellby and pablo
My pullets are 8 weeks old and I still haven’t named them. 😅 At first it was because I couldn’t tell them apart. As they get older and I get a better eye for chickens I now can, but I’m still at a loss. Nothing feels right and I don’t know where to begin. I know I’m putting too much thought into it, but while I ponder, I thought I’d ask how other people decide their bird’s names. If they stick with a theme or just name them the first thing that comes to mind.
I'm wondering the same thing for my 13. They're almost 5 weeks. I've named about 6 based on their behavior (Amelia was the first to fly to the top of the water container and sit there.) Definitely the first to fly. Now they all do. So, for about 6 I could just grab a random name, bur I don't want to. I'd rather it have some meaning.
I'll be interested to read responses.
Most of my flock is named but I still have a few no names. I usually just watch their personality blossom. Some of their names just appear in my mind, sometimes it’s based on a physical characteristic, or their attitude. For example- Peeper named because she was freaking LOUD. Big Betty bc she huge fluff girl. Tiny Tim the sebright. Waddles the duck. Hobbs the valgus silkie. Peanut the peanut butter colored Turken. And so on. I say you just call them random names until you find something you like :)

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