How do you name your chickens?

My themes vary. I tend to pick a theme for each year's batch of chicks, though there are often exceptions to the theme -- my first batch was manga characters; my second batch was actually a batch of guinea keets and I named the three survivors after Pokemon; my third batch was mostly food; and this year's batch has several themes, one for each breed: ISA Browns are named after swords; black Sultan cross-breeds are Eclipse and Shade, so dark things; Japanese Bantams are named after Slovak foodstuffs, with the exception of Kirby.
We got six random breeds, when originally we only wanted four. Before we got the chicks, we decided on different liquor names just because we thought it would be funny. We chose;

Goose (Grey Goose)
Johnny (Johnny Walker).

We have two kids, so they got to name the two bonus chicks. My youngest is a Peppa Pig fanatic, so she named her chick Vanessa after one of Granny Pig's hens. My older daughter named hers Blackie because of it's black beak and feathering.
My dog was almost named Whisky. It’s a good name. My mom’s bf only wanted four. Now we have seven lol
My themes vary. I tend to pick a theme for each year's batch of chicks, though there are often exceptions to the theme -- my first batch was manga characters; my second batch was actually a batch of guinea keets and I named the three survivors after Pokemon; my third batch was mostly food; and this year's batch has several themes, one for each breed: ISA Browns are named after swords; black Sultan cross-breeds are Eclipse and Shade, so dark things; Japanese Bantams are named after Slovak foodstuffs, with the exception of Kirby.
Omg what Pokémon? Your favorite ones?
My ducks are all flower names (except for the drake, who’s started out with a girly flower name originally lol) my moms chickens are all flower names too. My porcelain d’Uccles all have shiny names (for example:pplatinum and opal) and the Mille fleurs are kinda random names. My blue d’Uccle hens have names that start with J and the roosters have famous actor names lol.and my moms Wyandotte’s have old lady names :lol: it’s pretty arbitrary actually lol
Arbitrary works tho!
Omg what Pokémon? Your favorite ones?
The legendary bird trio from the first generation -- Zapdos and Articuno were the hens, and Moltres was the male. Zapdos has sadly passed on, but she has a descendant -- not named after a Pokemon, though; I named him Spook. He has his mother's nose lump....
My original four were all spice names: Pepper, Salt, Vanilla and Nutmeg.
Pepper and Salt are Dominiques, Vanilla is an Blue EE x BLRW, so she is splash (barely, has a few dark feathers on her neck) with red feather shafts on her wings and neck. (Definitely a girl, though.) Nutmeg is a Speckled Sussex.
Then came Melody and June Bug. I abandoned spice names. Mel is a Buff Orp, and June Bug is your typical chipmunk EE.
I like the spice names!
We have 10 chicks, 4 will be moving out when they are old enough to sils. As of now my kids somehow mostly can tell them all a part lol one is dottie - she has 3 dots on her head, another they call woodchip because shes the one always burrowing down into the pine shavings, they have also named one of the hens "rooster" because it was the first one to figure out the roosting bar 🤣 and then there are the twins....yep they just call them the twins because they cant tell those 2 apart. That leaves us with 2 more we will keep - hubby wants to name them lunch and dinner 🤦🏼‍♀️ I think one should be named covid lol maybe the twins will end up being called lunch and dinner and then I can call one covid which would still leave one of our 6 nameless
Taking a totally dark turn, for some reason, I really want to get two "Blue" colored chickens and name them "Asphyxia" and "Hypoxia..." I read too many first aid books.
Sorry about the dark humor.
On the subject of medical stuff, I also think that "Tibia" would be a lovely name....
The legendary bird trio from the first generation -- Zapdos and Articuno were the hens, and Moltres was the male. Zapdos has sadly passed on, but she has a descendant -- not named after a Pokemon, though; I named him Spook. He has his mother's nose lump....
That’s so perfect! I’m a Pokémon fan too and I don’t think I would’ve thought about the legendary birds. Would Blaziken be too meta? 🤔

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