HOW do you pick?


10 Years
May 31, 2009
I've got alot of chickens. and about as many breeds. How do you decide on just a few breeds when you want to specialize and start showing? I've got room for about 5-6 breeds

I LOVE my buttercup but she is pretty skitish
I love our Cuckoos - they are sweet, friendly, hardy and lay alot!
The kids love their silkies so I know I'll have to keep a pen for those.
one son is partial to white leghorns but I don't even know if there are non-production strains out there?

My hubby loves speckles sussex but she too is a bit shy
the welsummers and FBCM lay great eggs and I'd like to keep some of those

Brahmas look so pretty... but I don't have any of those.
cochins are one of my favorites to look at.... but I had a nasty rooster who went to the freezer camp... his hen is a sweetie pie but is broody ALL the time.

ANY input or help for me?
If you don't care about anything else besides showing, then I think the silkies would be fun for your kids. I guess I would pick a breed where you can get good stock in your area from a breeder . And I would go to a show or two in your area and see what people are showing. There is always the fun of picking a breed that isn't in your area and being the only one to show that breed- but it's also harder to get good stock or advice.
Sorry I am not any more help. . . .
Thank you!!! I'm actually going to a show tomorrow. I"ll keep a seperate area for my egg layers and one for the meat birds. But I just am having a hard time narrowing it down. I'm sure people will say to go with what I love. I'd love to see some Brahmas. Anyone have good info on those?

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