How do you place your eggs for lockdown??


Muddy Acre Farms
12 Years
Sep 20, 2009
Pride, La.
So this is just a random question. :pop

Do you like to place your eggs in a egg carton or do you like to just lay them on their side for hatching?? :confused:

Do you find one way is better over the other??
I just lay mine on the side, tried putting them in cutdown egg cartons once, didn’t have a good hatch so didn’t try that again
I’ve only tried the egg carton once. All the rest of my hatches we’re in my sportsman and that thing was a beast. Sorry now I sold it. But when I bought some eggs online the breeder sent me an email saying to put them in an egg carton to get the best hatch rate on shipped egsgs. Thought I would try it out and was just curious on everyone’s thoughts. :confused:

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