How do you sex a Frazzled Chicken? HELP!


5 Years
Aug 27, 2014
I was hoping to get some help from all of you that are experienced in raising chickens! This is our first time raising chickens, we bought 6 chicks and we are having a hard time determining if one of our standard buff cochins, that is frizzled, is a rooster or not. We thought for sure that we had all hens for the longest time, ( we did not buy straight run). But lately we are not too sure. I did some reading here on BYC and it sounds like the best way to tell a rooster with their body characteristics is by their tail feathers..... but what do you do if she / he is frazzled?

Lately she has been making this rooster like crowing sound but its not a for sure perfect crow sound. I looked up some juvenile videos on you tube and she def doesn't sound like that with roosters starting to crow but rather sounds like the hens that crow. however she has been getting more aggressive with the rest of the flock. Yesterday she chased the others around determined and kept trying to jump on them....... rooster that is really bad at crowing? the rest of the flock will crouch down when i go to pet them submitting to me..... not her oh no, she runs and has never ever liked being held at all even from a chick no matter how much we did it. We do not have any egg production yet as there are all about 21 weeks old so i can't tell that way.... I just cant tell if its a rooster thats really bad at crowing or a crowing hen that is more aggressive.

She is one of the smaller in the flock by far being a standard buff cochin along with one other standard buff cochin. Then we have two Barred Rocks and two Rhode Island Reds...... so im not sure too if that is why I am just now hearing her / him crow beings that she is one of the smallest.....

I have a picture of her as my avatar...

Any ideas?

All I can say is good luck! I have quite a bit of experience raising chickens. I ended up with a frizzle this year that I was so sure was male I named him Philip. My experience with cochins is limited, so a cochin breeder friend of mine weighed in and also pronounced my frizzle to be a male. Something didn't seem right though, Philip was a bit be male. Philip is always being picked on and heaven help him if he gets the tiny bit of dirt on his feathers; he'll spend half an hour getting it off.

My friend and I spent more time studying Philip, yep...definitely a male. Two days ago Philip squatted for me, today she laid her first egg. So much for our best guesses.

By the way, there are at least six ways to distinguish male from female in most breeds, starting at 4 to 6 weeks when the secondary sex characteristics start to show up.
Thank you so much for weighing in..... Not sure if you can see well on the picture but she has a huge comb and waddles, way bigger than the other standard buff cochin same age as well as the bigger barred rock and Rhode Island reds we have. But I have also heard that it's not a for sure way to tell......
Thank you so much for weighing in..... Not sure if you can see well on the picture but she has a huge comb and waddles, way bigger than the other standard buff cochin same age as well as the bigger barred rock and Rhode Island reds we have. But I have also heard that it's not a for sure way to tell......

The pic in your avatar? Yeah, I can't see it real well and it does look like a cockerel, however....
My first cochin to lay (normal feathering) has a much larger comb and wattles than my frizzle. I wish I could see your pic better.
Yes it is the picture in my avatar.... here are some better pictures of "Crazy" as we call her. Her comb and waddles are huge in comparison to the other chickens (maybe you can see in the background of the pics) that are her same age which is 21 weeks. The two in the background are both Rhode Island Reds.

Thank you guys so much for your thoughts! Can I ask you guys what about what I posted or the pictures made you guys think def a roo? Just wondering so I myself can get better at telling these things when raising chickens! Thank you all so much!
I agree, rooster to the max. Those sickle (tail) and hackle feathers leave no doubt.
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