How do you tell a male from female?

I was worried about that too! Out of my five...the SLW is the roo. I worried that he would 'enjoy' the four little girls too much....but they seem to be fine and they are over 6mos old. I'd really worry with two roos!
I had ordered 4 chickens and they sent 5 at one month old (they sent an extra incase one died in transport). 3 of the 5 have been roos. Is that normal? I feel like calling and complaining (I paid extra for getting them sent when they were older- I thought that would also give them more time to determine sex- was that unrealistic?)
I gues it would depend on who you ordered from...what their policy is...and exactly what you ordered.
If they are straight's kind of whatever they pick up and sexing is done.

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