How do you transport meaties to butcher?

I scoured craigslist before freezer camp time and was able to get 2 XL dog crates for 10.00. They needed a bit of repair (re-bending some of the wires). We put them in there. Next time though, I would go with the cardboard boxes. The dog crates were great for holding but as we went down the road, we had feathers and dust flying everywhere. We did put a tarp down, but they still managed to get poo outside the tarp. I think this time we will do cardboard boxes with air holes punched in 3/4 of the way up the box and then put a small sheet or tarp over the top. The dark might help to keep them calmer and also keep the dust down. I don't think the butcher cares how them come as long as they get there. We had a wonderful Amish family process ours and they were just happy that we brought them.
I wouldn't know....I don't eat my chickens, they are purely pets, but some people that do, can't kill their own, I can understand that........and I only buy organic free range chicken from the locals cause Ive seen the horror of these large companies and how they treat their chickens
this was very cheap and easy to make; pvc, tarp, plastic chciken fencing & zip ties. It holds 25 birds comfortably. Fi you start now you will easily have it done by the tim eyou need it

so this is the first time I have had chickens and started with meats chickens. do I need to build them a fancy coop like layers or simple with a roost. Could someone point me in the direction of processing.

I am lost.
I have killed and cleaned myself. Last year we had two meat birds that a neighbor gave me. I feel like I can give respect and still pay someone else to help me out.

I live in central Ohio and there is a place 45 minutes from here that will process a small order.

I really like the PVC outdoor coop. It's still too cold for the babies. I'm trying to figure out where to put them in the 0-3 week range. I don't want them to stink up the basement!

Thanks for all the help. I'll keep my eye out for dog crates but might just use boxes for their ride.
I don't kill my own either.
Hey I was just thinking of you this morning, I wanted to tell you that most processors have cages they will lend out fro transportation the day before. So you might check with them.
I put them in the back of my husband's truck, use something to keep them confined to the back (leftover carpet pad, boxes, etc) so they are not sliding all over and unload them @ the processors. My processor has those yellow crates already to go when we get there, since I'm sure they are stacked before butchering. I unload them in there myself and use work gloves that get thrown away
The drive is around 1.5 hours. In the past I have used the box, something to go over the top of the bed and both times, that was unncessary work
Thanks for the tip, I will call and see what their protocol is.

I'm finishing grad school in the next few weeks so can't put much time into this project until then.

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