How do you use up little tiny pullet eggs?

I use any and all for baking, omelets, scrambled...I even scramble extras for the dogs to supplement their diet...I do sell lots of duck eggs...most of my "customers" have come to prefer them to chicken eggs...I have made many a batch of cookies with goose eggs...all shells are crushed to small bits and returned to the flock from whence they came...not much goes to waste around here...
I have a couple of people fighting over my bantum eggs. They love that they are tiny. One lady uses them in her salads, she likes that she can put the little hard boiled ones in whole. The other lady has two children who love to have eggs that are just their size.
I like them on french bread toast. They fit perfect. Of coarse it doesn't matter what size they are scrambled or put into egg salad sandwiches.
If people know that the little eggs are available, you would be surprised at how many you can sell.
Sell them for twice the price and call them petit oeuf (french) "gourmet" eggs!

List all of the above w/recipes as uses! It's all in the promotion! (think brown eggs vs. white eggs)

pequeno huevo - Spanish
piccola uovo - Italian
pieni muna - Finnish
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When I was young (many moons ago...I am now a granny) we bought pullet eggs for Easter. With 7 kids in the family I think it was a way for each of us to dye and decorate more eggs. Also there was less waste, as a hard-boiled pullet egg and especially the yolk was more likely to be eaten than a standard one. Now I'm getting pullet and banty eggs daily and just use them in the kitchen, though it takes more eggs than usual for any recipe or meal. My granddaughter calls them "the tinies" and wants to look at them over and over again and tell me which chicken she thinks laid each egg.
These are all eggcellent ideas! I just learned something else by clicking on the link for the pickled eggs recipe. I have a flattop/ceramic stove and you can't can on them because they don't get hot enough without possible breaking the stovetop.

OH, OH the pumpkin butter that I put up last fall was mighty good, what do I do now? I need help, but can't get a new stove!
Fancy................ I have a friend that does all her canning outside. She uses a hot plate on a wood outdoor table . She says she doesn't heat up the house and the 'mess' is all outside.


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