How do your chickens sleep?

I have four Australorps and their roost is a 2x4 with the flat side up. Three of the chickens just stand awkwardly on the roost and the fourth sleeps in the bedding in the corner. I would really like to see them hunker down over their feet since it is starting to get cold...but it seems like there is huge variance in chicken sleeping habits and whatever they enjoy doing is probably fine. My husband thinks I'm over thinking it.
Mine started out huddling in the corner. Now they go to the top roost. Some times they'll be standing, sometimes they sit down on their feet. I wonder if it's a way of controlling their warmth. One of my younger ones usually tries to get underneath the wing of one of my older girls and gets pecked for it.
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I have two of mine separated from the flock because they are still a bit young to join the big girls. The youngsters cuddle in a corner, they do this throughout the day as well, they are inseparable. The big girls roost side by side for the most part. Occasionally there will be one off by herself, but they all tend to stick together in the evenings.
Mine all huddle together. Apart from one who prefers to find a higher spot to sleep in. It's 5am here and I just went to open the run to them for when they're up in a couple of hours.

Honestly not heard a sweeter sound than them snoring
Chickens should sleep on a roost, to avoid breast blister. If they do not sleep on a roost, then teach them to. I would put them on the roost every night.
Good luck!
Mine all gather up on the left side of the roost. It's a good 5' long, but they all (six of them) scrunch together for the night. I wonder if it's because the left side is furthest from the pop door (which is closed for the night).
Mine all huddle together. Apart from one who prefers to find a higher spot to sleep in. It's 5am here and I just went to open the run to them for when they're up in a couple of hours.

Honestly not heard a sweeter sound than them snoring
Me either! We sneak outside and stand by the coop listening to their noises...I love it!
I am new to raising chickens...I had 4 Buff Orpington chick's in the beginning, one died after a few days. It started breathing kinda funny. Then, I got to experience Merrick's in a poulet. That was pretty horrific. Now, I have 2 hens left. They seem to be healthy and one lays daily, the other every other day. However, I started noticing that Lolly has a comb like a rooster and long waddles like a rooster. She also has a narrower body (lays every other day). I did some research and found out that she may be a gynomorph.

Anyone out there have anything to add about this possible condition? Big girl has a small comb and smaller waddles. Lolly has more pronounced ears as well. My neighbor stated that she has the same thing happening with her 2 hens.

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