How does a broody he know when it time to wean her chicks?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 6, 2012
Our hen has been taking care of 4 ducklings for a week which are growing pretty fast and I think either she is getting bored of them or they dont really like her. They sit BESIDE her and whenever my dog comes over to sniff them they run AWAY from her.
Well, mama takes care of the babies as long as she's in the mood, then you'll start seeing a change. You'll see mama without the babies, and the babies together without the mama, then gradually, she'll go off with the flock and do her own thing again. The babies will follow the mother hen to the coop and roost with her at night, or roost together, without her.

I guess it's when she feels she's done her job at teaching them how to forage, and where to find water, and chicken things like that.
Well they definetly know about feeding, they eat more then the hen!
I was wondering about this too. I have a mama and her baby is 3 weeks old. She's stuck real close to the baby but the last two days, she has been roosting where baby can't get to. Is she trying to help her baby adjust to being without mama? Should I move baby in with the other 3 week old chicks? I tried to put the other babies in with mama but she wasn't too sure about that. Poor baby only knows mama, I imagine baby will have a hard time being away from mama and adjusting to her "cousins".
i just put my momma hen back with the big flock on friday. she was ready to go after 5 weeks and 3 days of mothering her 3 chicks.
Did she have trouble being accepted again into the others? That's what I am afraid I am going to have to deal with. Incorporating all these different chickens back into general population. Mama back in with the other adult gals. All these babies when they get old enough in with the big gals/big guy. Wish chickens were more like dogs, more accepting of each other. Cats are terrible too when it comes to bringing in others of their own kind.
Did she have trouble being accepted again into the others? That's what I am afraid I am going to have to deal with. Incorporating all these different chickens back into general population. Mama back in with the other adult gals. All these babies when they get old enough in with the big gals/big guy. Wish chickens were more like dogs, more accepting of each other. Cats are terrible too when it comes to bringing in others of their own kind.

yes they picked on her for a couple days and now everythings back to normal.

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