How far apart should coops be? Multiple coop/run set ups.


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
Epping, NH
I have three standards which are my original flock.

Today I got three chicks, also standard.

But, I really want some bantams, particularly Sebrights.

My plan is to build additional coops and runs so I can have new flock away from existing flock, AND I want to keep the bantams separate.

How far away from each other should they be?

OH.. I also want a rooster.. Will he be ok living by himself if he's allowed to breed under supervision once in awhile?
i have mine 3 feet apart.promotes togetherness
I would only build one small coop and run far away from the others. I would have a cement floor in the run and coop--easy to clean and disinfect---and would use this for my quarantine coop...

The second coop would be a long building divided into to several coops and runs. Having everything under one roof will cut down on your 'leg work', need for multiples of food and bedding storage, building materials because You would be using communal walls, you would only have to have water run to one area. Many people have breeding stock where the runs are attached to each other. IF you had ten areas in your coop--you could have ten true breeds or you could have one breed and have several breeding pairs...


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