How fatal is overheating?


6 Years
Dec 10, 2013
My hen laid ten eggs, and I've been incubating them. They are due to hatch this week. However, my power went out for just a few short minutes, so I know that didn't affect the eggs. The power came back on, and the temperature in my incubator was at 98 degrees. But when I came to check on them again about two-three hours later, I noticed that the temperature in my incubator had gone up drastically- 110 degrees. I quickly took them out and set them in a different, working incubator. I candled them to see that all still have veins and I see movement, but I'm still very paranoid that the heating has caused damage. I know that overheating is much more dangerous than underheating. Any advice?
Really all you can do is wait and see. In my experience you tend to see deaths later on after the heat rather than right after, but I am sure most are all right from the sounds of it.
If the core temperature of the egg reaches 104*F it can kill the embryos, but it takes awhile for the core temperature to rise. Also overheating in the early stages of development causes more harm, so your chicks may hopefully have escaped unscathed.

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