How find a “chicken sitter” while away & biosecurity


13 Years
May 6, 2011
Hello. Trying to figure out how to find someone to feed/water my chickens when we are away, but anyone with chicken know-how will most likely have chickens and I’d like to keep bio security in mind. Dont want someone wearing their chicken boots in my coop and others, you know?
Hello. Trying to figure out how to find someone to feed/water my chickens when we are away, but anyone with chicken know-how will most likely have chickens and I’d like to keep bio security in mind. Dont want someone wearing their chicken boots in my coop and others, you know?
You can buy single use sanitation bootie covers on amazon. They're what commercial chicken facility workers wear over their shoes before entering the chicken hall.
Do you know any teenagers in your neighborhood that you could train?

Check with your minister, priest, or pastor (whatever you call them). You'd be surprised what some of them know about their flock and who might be able to help.

Call your county extension office and chat with them. I'm sure they have had stranger requests. Some extension offices are much more helpful than others.

School is out or really hectic, probably too late to try a high school.

Chat with friends.

I was successful with people at church and got a good one when talking to a friend who was a county librarian. My wife was volunteering at the library and mentioned the need to her.

Good luck!
If you simplify things, you don't need someone who has chickens or a lot of chicken know-how, just someone who can follow basic directions. For me that was my neighbor, as she could just cut through her yard into mine and take care of the flock's most basic needs.

All she had to do was open up the coop in the morning, throw down a bowl of feed, collect eggs, close up at night. I already had the waterer topped off and the feeder topped off as well, so the extra feed was just to give the birds a second source of food in the morning.

I now have an auto door so technically no need for anyone to come over, as long as I have enough food and water out to last the duration.

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