How hard is quilting?


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
Madisonville, KY
I've seen so many threads about quilting in here, and it really interests me. How hard is it, and do you need a lot of stuff to do it? What kinds of things can you make? Feel free to post pics of some things you have made, but try not to post TOO many, because I have dialup and it takes FOREVER to load.
If you have cotton material, a sewing machine or needle and thread, can cut a straight line and sew a straight line then you can quilt.

It can be easy or hard depends on the block you make, you can take 4 square blocks of any size and any material and sew them together and make a bunch of them and then sew them together and you have a quilt.

You can take a piece of material that has a design you like buy as much as you want and buy another piece of one color that will match a color in the first fabric and put batting between them and sew it together and you have a quilt.

Then you can get those blocks that have 30 pieces in a 4 x 4 square so it can be as easy or hard as you make it.

We have many who have joined the block swaps as a way to see if they like to quilt before they buy too much stuff. Even had some guys join those swaps always nice to see the new people join and stay.

I hope you give it a try, you can do it.
Quilting is not Difficult. Piece work is a bit precise so take your time.
I personally find Hand quilting the actual quilt monotonous,
and tend to avoid that part.

When I first started I joined a quilting Guild, They taught me a lot.
I learn hands on better than written and told.

The amount of things you can quilt is endless:
Curtains, potholders, clothing, pillowcases, Pillows, Towels, Shower curtain, Window Toppers, EXT.

The wealth of information on the internet is Fa nominal.
One of my favorite sites:
If I can learn, anyone can learn. Till just a week or so ago, I hand pieced and hand quilted every single one I ever made (didn't know how to use a machine and mine was a crochety old one anyway). My wonderful friends on the BYC staff actually surprised me with a computerized sewing machine and I'm back in the game! Now, the actual quilting part, I'm not sure how to do on my machine, but it's made piecing 10x faster! Quilting is art to me, not sewing. I cannot make anythingexcept a quilt---no clothing, nothing. If you like, I'll try to post some pics of my projects in another thread. I took one beginner's quilting class back in the 80's and that's all the instruction I've had.
I have a book called bazaar patchwork. It has alot of projects in it that have nothing to do with a bed. When most think of quilts all they think of is throws and bedcovers. There is more to it than that and one book will open your eyes to many possiblities. It is fun and easy with the right tools. What is a must for many is a self sealing cutting board and a roter cutter and a big ruler plus a sewing machine. Any machine will do as long as it has a good straight sticth. The biggest expense by far is fabric. Unless you have a stash or lots of old clothers, towel, sheets ect. to use, one must buy fabric. That get over whelming the first time in a wuilt shop. Online can be alot cheaper than in person but if you can shop around local you can also find deals.
Cutting the pieces EXACTLY to size is the most important thing for me, following a very close second would be matching your seams.

I also took a short quilt class that actually was no quilting at all, just piecing, but I enjoyed it.

If you want to start with squares (those and half-squares are all I've done) then you might want to Google "Watercolor Quilt" images. You can make really beautiful quilts with just's all in the color of fabric you choose. I think I'll work on one of those next.
When I decided that I wanted to learn how to quilt I signed up for a beginners class at my local quilt shop. It was a 6 week course and I learned all the basics and came out of it with my first quilt! I highly recommend going that route it you can! I still think back to the things that teacher taught me.

As everyone likes to say, if I can do it, you can do it! You don't need a fancy machine or a ton of tools. Just a few basics and you'll be on your way.
Another good way to start is check your library for an Eleanor Burns book. I find her instructions easy to follow, and she adds pictures that really help you understand what fabrics go where. Plus she has some simple patterns that are just right for a beginner.

Have fun!
I would not say that it requires a lot of patience...cause I love quilting and ask anyone I am not a patient person.

instant rice and instant pudding take to long if you ask

I like the colours and the patterns and what the overall outcome is... some days I can work on my quilts for hours and some days I wont even think about touching it

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