How high can new born Coturnix climb?


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2015
BC, Canada
Just getting ready for lock-down. I have big water pans on either sides if the eggs (only way I could get my humidity stable). I'm cutting a box to put the eggs in so if they hatch while we are out they don't go drawn themselves. How high do the sides need to be for them to not get over first day while they are drying out?
I don't know how high they can climb/jump but, you could just put sponges into the bowls and they wont drown. If you do end up doing this make sure there is no way they can get into the water and only are able to walk on top of the sponges. Sorry if I wasn't any help. Good luck on your brand new quail!
thanks. My pans are full of cloth diaper microfibre inserts ( it was quite a feet to figure how to get my humidity up) so if they do get over the box they won't drown but I'd rather they don't stay wet if I'm not around to assist.
in the hatchery, about a 4+ inch high wall should do it. but they are amazing at finding ways into areas you do not want them in.

While they are drying out (the first day) they really don't need a water or pan, just some heat. When you do put the water-er in , add some marbles or pebbles to the water container to keep them from drowning each other. I use nipple water-es but you still need a sponge and tray beneath it as they are very sloppy about drinking no matter what you use. LOL

I rather clean up newspaper with poop on it oppose to soggy paper with poop on it.

Don't forget to teach them to Drink or half of them at least. I find it best to teach all of them. No worries
thanx. its just the water in my converted aquarium incubator. I will be moving them to a brooder but just want to make sure no one drowns if I'm not present when (if) they decide to hatch. Tue, is lock-down day, cross fingers, it's our first attempt.
I used the aquarium incubator when I first started as well, but I quickly moved away from that. The aquarium incubator works fine but the main reason I moved away from it was the mess after the hatch and my clumsy like nature with "Glass"! While I did not break it, I was afraid I would and I still am as I now use it as a temp holder after they hatch (((("but no water in it"))))! The other main reason is the glass is single pane on the aquarium unlike a house window which is usually double or more pane glasses. There is little insulating value (R value) to aquariums thus it uses more electricity to heat over the long haul.

If you keep incubating, your aquarium will work fine for years, but if you expand or after you are addicted (lol) there are plenty of better DYI incubators designs out there.
we would love to get into quails but we are in a tiny apartment possibly in violation of Strata rules (though we are using the "caged bird clause"...are Quail "fowl"? We are hoping to hatch some out for our kids to see. Last year we purchased a few live ones that laid us nice eggs to eat. We also have a could pet buttons.

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