How high do I hang my new nipple watering bucket?


In the Brooder
Feb 17, 2016
We just bought a 3.5 gallon nipple watering bucket. On the directions it just says, "Hanging height will vary by breed but should be high enough so that chickens must reach up slightly to drink. Recommended for Adult Birds Only!" We have 3 different breeds the longhorn is the smallest and the red one (not sure the breed since it was given to us and they didn't know) is the biggest. None of them want to come over and stretch slightly then stand there so that I can use a tape measure to see how high to put it. Yep I tried that, silly me but was desperate to get it right. Also while I was reading on here I saw that many use a nipple waterer for little chicks but this system says for adults only. Is there a special one for the little ones? I was going to get some more in a week or 2 and want to be prepared. We are new at this and appreciate all the information here. We used to search all over the internet for answers the found this site and now it's the only one we have needed. Thank you to everyone for all the help.
Set the height for your shortest bird to stretch up slightly. I have one and most of my flock bends down a bit to drink from it, no problem with that.

As far as having chicks use it, they actually have to peck a bit to get the water to come out. Chicks may not have enough beak force to get the water. You can watch to see if your chicks are able to get water from it. If it works then go for it!

Chickens...a little science...a whole lotta experiments!
Set the height for your shortest bird to stretch up slightly. I have one and most of my flock bends down a bit to drink from it, no problem with that.

As far as having chicks use it, they actually have to peck a bit to get the water to come out. Chicks may not have enough beak force to get the water. You can watch to see if your chicks are able to get water from it. If it works then go for it!

Chickens...a little science...a whole lotta experiments!

Re: your last comment - too right it is! Its just another option, but you could also put a brick or something under the nipples that would provide some elevation for your shorties to drink comfortably. As Bridebeliever says however, larger chickens are still happy to bend down a little to get water (i used to have nipple waterers at different heights, and the large chickens would still use the one that was meant for the chicks!).

In my experience, chicks can use nipple waterers perfectly well and i use them from day 1 (I should add that i use a broody mum, so she shows them how its done).
All the best

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