How high is to high?


6 Years
Aug 7, 2013
Western Massachusetts
I just put a new perch up in our run and am wondering if it is too high. They all seem to like it but I don't want to cause any injuries when they hop down. One of my pullets seems to land pretty heavily. Right now it is about 3' off the ground. It's not a big deal to lower it.
I wouldn't think 3' would be too high unless they are jumping down onto rocks or concrete. At one time I had a ladder-style roost where the roosts were at 2', 4' and 6' levels and started to have issues with birds having bumble foot. I lowered the roosts to a parallel style with 4 roosts on the same level, 3' off the coop floor and haven't had any issues since.

They will roost on the highest place they can get so if you raised it, they would get up there. But if you lower it and there is nowhere higher that they can get to, they will be just as happy on the lower roost.
Thanks! I guess my Silver Laced Wyandotte is just a heavy lander!
They are just landing on regular ground. But to be on the safe side I might lower it a tad.

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