How I process cockerels


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 3, 2022
NSW Australia
I was asked on a local fb page to make a video of how I dispatch chooks using the broomstick method. I thought I would share it here too. You will need to be signed into youtube to watch it, as its age restricted. It is quite graphic.
What I wrote in the original post:

A while back I made a post asking if people would be interested in a video on using the broomstick method of dispatching cockerels.
I have now made the video, and wanted to post it here, as a fair few people said they were not members of the other group, where I will also post it.
I'll put the link in the comments.
A few points: these cockerels are about 20 weeks old, which is a good age to grow them out to. Sometimes I might wait till they are a bit bigger.
One of them is a bantam frizzle cross, the other a light Sussex. Both are shown at different points in the video, as I got close ups of one and not the other.
These cockerels are the 'by product' of needing pullets, and there are many cockerels hatched everyday that no one wants. I give them a great life before hand, and then they feed us.
I don't agree with re-homing cockerels normally, because very likely someone else will just cull them instead, and I wouldn't know how they are cared for up till then.
They are dead as soon as my feet go down, and I pull up. The flapping you see afterwards is just nerves firing, and is actually a good sign the death was quick and effective. Never a nice thing though. You will see me poke the eye at one point, to make sure there is no reflex.
Ask any questions, but please be respectful!
I am not good at making videos bty, and this is the first I have made, so over all it isn't to good. I am also very bad at talking in videos!

I will add, I don't scald, as I don't want to deal with the smell, and set up fuss. I have skinned them in the past, but like to keep it on for roasting.
Rest them in the fridge 2-4 days before freezing.


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