How important is having a top on the run?

I don't have my run covered. It's been that way for 9 years and I never lost one to a bird of prey. That being said I've seen hawks perched on the coop fencing scoping out dinner. The birds have a very large bush that they dive under when the alarm goes up. If you want peace of mind cover it.
I am so glad that I found this topic. We will definitely be covering ours and only letting them roam with we are home and out with them. We have many hawks. That is so sad to think a hawk just coming down and getting one of my babies...
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We free-range, and I see the hawks out there, but we haven't lost anyone - yet. We provide lots of cover for them to run to, there's lots of trees and bushes. They hide underneath the second story of my little girl's playgym, too. Our roos tend to send everyone running for cover. Even with crows and turkey vultures, who are mostly scavengers.

The woman I got my chickens from lived about a mile away, and lost 4 hens and a guinea in one afternoon. She kept hers enclosed in a run with no net, and no cover. They were - excuse the expression - sitting ducks. They couldn't carry the hens off, but hit them hard enough to kill them.

Good luck with your decision. We choose to free range, but the predator threat is *ALWAYS* there.

As for - it ROCKS! My husband picked up 300+ feet of chain link with the poles and a gate for FREE about a month and a half ago. Freecycle also keeps me in more egg cartons than I could possibly ever use, LOL.

I had to cover mine as well racoons and hawks infiltrated and got a few of the ladies. we have had no problems since we reinforced the perimeter. one hawk had gone through the coop door and was still eating my chicken when I went out to see what all comotion was all about. I never would have thought a hawk would do that. Critters are pretty amazing and they never cease to do something that keeps you guessing.............

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