How in the world do I get rid of worms?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I have ACV, I have wazine wormer, and I have DE. Nothing seems to be working!! I know they have worms, I've seen them. All of my chickens free range at the moment, so I don't know if they are getting enough of the meds or not.

Any ideas??
Go to state animal health office and get a fecal sample done. They should tell you what worm you have. Then get right wormer. In MD it costs $10 to get fecal sample done.
Is there a reccommended way to take a sample? Does each poo contain the same information? Like, would the first poo of the day have more worms/worm signs than later?
You can treat with ivermectin vs. wazine. Its what's been recommended profusely on here (after myself doing much research on it)
. DE can be used as a preventative once all worms are gone, but it wont get RID of worms.
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You might look for Eprinex which is pour on ivermectin. Dose is 0.5cc for large fowl adults and 0.25cc for bantams. I got a large bottle from TSC (I'll never use anywhere near all of it.) I would imagine it is available online. It is a cattle med. You put it on the back of the neck, onto the skin.
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This is what I purchased... I bought the smallest bottle they had and it was $36.00 - I'll never use it all though.... wish there was a way I could put it in a smaller bottle or vial that wouldnt leak - I'd send you some Kay. I dont know how I'd be able to send it in the mail without it breaking...

any ideas? If I had a cap I could seal on my syringes... I could do it that way...

Let me check.. gimme a sec

I've got to run out - I can see if I cant find a small container that seals and I can mail you some Eprinex if you'd like.

My bottle is HUGE (like 8 inches tall) and it will expire 3/10 - I only have 6 birds... and they only get 5 drops
on their backs so.. I'm stocked for like 1000 years here.

If you can wait like 2 hours...(thats when I'll be back from running) I'll log back in and tell ya what I found to mail it to ya (no charge).

Just PM me your addy and we'll go from there k? I even have very small syringes (no needle) that are for vet use - and I'll include one for ya.

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