How large to Frizzle Chickens get?


14 Years
May 6, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, EB
Hello, Im new to raising a chicken. I found a baby chick that I have been told is probably a Frizzle Chicken. She/he seems small in comparison to the pics I have been viewing of chicks about her age (+3 weeks). I am thinking it is just the type of chicken that she is but I would like some reassurance from others who might me more knowledgeable about chickens. Are Frizzles generally small chicks/chickens?

I am also worried about the health of her feathers that have been growing in. I made a dust box for her and she uses it regularly. I also put eucalyptus chips and leaves in her box to discourage any parasites that might be on her. (Note, I have never seen anything on her but she scratches and preens herself an awful lot) She seems to bothered by something, perhaps just the new feathers coming in. I want to avoid chemicals until I am absolutely sure I need to use them on her. Should I take more drastic measures early on?

Thank you for any wisdom that you will share with me on these two matters.
Frizzles can come in both bantam and standard chickens. When new feathers are coming in, chickens spend a lot of time preening. Frizzle is not a breed but rather a feather type.
Frizzled chickens tend to feel the cold more so than normal feathered chickens because their feathers don't lay flat and keep the body heat in. Of course they do better in warm climates for the same reason. I live in MI and all my frizzles got through a rough winter just fine. I love frizzles but there are those who hate them just like with the naked necks.
I have frizzle bantem cochins. I'm not sure if this is strictly true, but it seems to me with the ones I have had that the birds that show the frizzle feather, that they do not get as large. This could also be optical illusion since the feathers aren't as poofy.

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