How late is too late for quail eggs to hatch?


7 Years
Oct 10, 2012
Day 18 - No signs of movement, or anything.
Humidity is at 60% +
Temp varies from 36 - 38 C

I did the float test on day 13, and more than half floated (not a high floater but around 10% of the fat end of the egg floated).
I didn't candle them - and I believe it's too late to candle now.

Do they have a chance?
If so, when do you believe any signs will appear?

Are they just late hatchers or not likely to hatch at all?

Sorry for these questions, I've been really excited for the past 2 weeks, and now since it's around hatching time, I've been very anxious.
So it happens like...

After day 17, nothing happens...
Then on day 18-21 things start wiggling and all?
Then the process of little chicks peeping begins?
Sounds great that one hatched!

All though it depends on what type of quails your hatching.

the basic cortunix quail usually after day 20 is time to start removing them from the incubator.

But Valley quails for example can go into the late 20's .

Best of luck!
Haha, thanks Dasp!

I have Japanese Quail - Roux dilute type.
Another 6 have hatched out of the 34!
Three have moved into the brooder, whilst the other four are drying off.

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