How long are roosters fertile?


In the Brooder
Feb 29, 2016
I was recently given 2 roosters. One light Brahma 2 1/2 yo and a 3 month old rhode island red. Yesterday I received 4 Texas red hens and a 2 1/2 Buff Orpington rooster. Now that I have the hens the Brahma has taken the lead with them wondering if he will stay fertile for a couple more years or if I should switch him out with one of the younger roos?
My hatchery roosters have consistently been fertile into the 4th year. At that point, I usually want to change genetics/projects and switch them out anyway, so I'm not sure how long they'd be good after that.
When the sex ratio is more natural, then declines of fertility that are significant in a commercial hatching egg production setting will not be an issue. My American Dominiques are fertile through at least 6 years when covering only four hens at a time. American Games can sire at least some offspring through 10 years although you do see a drop.

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