How long before my babies lay?

Super Admin

13 Years
Dec 26, 2006
We have a few buff orpington's that hatched in August of this year. We are suspecting that they may be laying eggs. Lately production has been slow for the other ladies. We put a light in the house a couple of weeks ago and now we are getting more eggs. Some looked a little different, lighter in color. I had heard when they start laying that the eggs are kind of funny looking...real small at first. So..I was thinking that these are not their eggs because they look too normal. Is the information I have correct? Do they start at about 5-6months??
Most start around 22 to 25 weeks, which is about 5 or 6 months. The first eggs will definitely be smaller than what you're used to seeing, so you'll know if those pullets are laying. One of our five just started laying at Christmas, and the eggs are tiny and adorable! It takes two to equal one "grocery store" egg, but they're perfect and delicious.

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