How long between pip & zip?


11 Years
Mar 27, 2008
Southern NJ
What is the usual length of time?

My silkie/frizzled cochin pipped at 1:30 am this morning, but only zipped 1 inch yet.
It usually takes anywhere from an hour to a day or two. I myself don't like to let them go much past the 36 hour mark unless they are still making progress. Even if you have the humidity right after being open for that long they will sometimes get dried out and super sticky.

Chickies are MUCH more patient than we are and as they break the blood vessels in the membrane they have to rest until the blood flow stops.

Be patient... if no more progress by morning, you might consider helping a little.

Hope this helps
Some of my eggs did take almost a day to hatch, though there were also those that hatched out before I even knew they were pipped!
Congrats! I can be very impatient when I see a pip and then no more activity for many hours but I learned to let it be. I've had some hatch within an hour of pipping and some take more than 24 hours. I guess some are just lazy.

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