how long can a chicken stay firtile


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 13, 2009
mount airy
I just lost my RIR male
and I need to know how long will she stay firtile for? both were just under a year old and gitting ready for the first spring laying. she had layed 5 eggs earler this year but none were firtile. can anyone help?
So everone says that thay will keep fertile for 3-4 weeks. Now if she doesn't lay untill it warms up, 2 to 3 weeks or longer. does it start from the time she lays, or when the last conception took place?
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thank you guys, I just hope it warms up some so she will lay. I just hate to know that after all my efforts to raise a flock, that the nabors dog would foil my attempts.maby i'll get lucky. *fingers crossed*

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