How long can a hen leave eggs

Yes 6 looks clear as the others said. 9 & 10 are hard to see with the shell color but I would definitely leave them in. A few are at different development days, so expect a staggered hatch. Do you have an incubator available in case momma hen abandons any eggs that are close to hatching but much later than the early chicks?
Yes. I’ll try to provide feed and water next to her in hopes she’ll stay long enough for this staggered hatch to finish.
It is so hard! I always feel bad since they don't leave for a couple days so put food in with them and water close. Then mine will stay in the coop with the babies for another few days so have food and water in there for them.
I didn’t see anything at 7:30am but thought I heard a single peep. At noon I found this.

I don’t see any more hatchlings just yet but mama is hiding things. I think having babies coming out underneath her is making it more difficult for her to cover all of the eggs because this is what I found just now.

And so the saga begins. I’m not going to search today. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. I’ll be giving her food and water next to her then. I don’t want to disturb her just yet.
the first one looks clear/not viable. You would 100% see veins if it was. Any that shine through and you only see the yolk aren't viable.
the first one looks clear/not viable. You would 100% see veins if it was. Any that shine through and you only see the yolk aren't viable.
I did candle through the egg cell for each one but I moved around a bit to see if I could pick u on anything else.
I thought the same thing about #1 but I hate the thought of making a mistake. This is only my second time I’ve allowed a broody to hatch. It’s Rosie’s first time. Last year Doris did a beautiful job of hatching my first allowed clutch. When I had posted candling videos there was one I was advised was sadly a quitter. I couldn’t bring myself to toss it. She’s now one of my jumbo egg layers. That being said this time I tend to agree. #1 doesn’t look good.
Perfect display! Okay.
Yes for viable and healthy, no for probably not viable at this point. Always check for veins and movement before tossing any egg as we are somewhat limited in what we can see. If ever in doubt, dont chuck it out! I like to give them a couple more days if I'm unsure, unless there is a bad smell.

#1 I think we all agreed no? No photo to comment on anyways.
#2 yes
#3 yes
#4 yes
#5 I think so, most likely, but do check for movement and veins, sometimes they dont show up on camera. I believe we saw movement from this one in the video, so I'd say yes.
#6 no
#7 yes
#8 yes
#9 Further along or darker shell, keep your eyes open for movement when candling, it's harder to tell on camera.
#10 Same as 9, I'd guess both are okay, unless there is a bad smell. Do you have a brighter candling device you could try?
I would say #1 for sure and then there was one that looks pretty porous and empty-I would have to watch again to give you the exact number-I can if you want.

I also saw one that looked closer to a day 5/6 not 12-15--is there possible a staggered lay date? Again, I can't remember the number (should have wrote it down sorry). Let me know if you want me to watch again.

I would say all those that you see super strong veins are going well!
Could you mean 6 or 7 look empty? Not sure which one you think is a late addition. I can imagine one is late. She got kicked out often and I might have mixed it up. Maybe you mean #10? Pictures might be good but you might need to watch video again. 🫣

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