How long can eggs set before they are no longer viable for incubating?


8 Years
Apr 17, 2011
Hey! I have some bantam eggs that I want to incubate but I won't have room for them until after 4/12/12! Will it be okay if I keep these eggs that long? I've heard the success of hatching eggs stored longer than 7 days isn't so great. Has anyone ever stored their eggs for a week and a half or longer and still had a good rate??? I really wanna hatch these guys and I've been trying to figure out ways to do it, but I just can't make it work between my two incubators that are currently going. One isn't full but the lockdown days will be totally different! What should I do to keep the alive as long as possible?
with my own eggs from my flock (not shipped) I have been able to hatch even with eggs that have been held for about 2 weeks. But I keep my eggs in my basement where it's very cool and turn them regularly.
I don't have a basement. I have them in an area where no direct sunlight will hit them and I turn them three times a day. These aren't shipped eggs either. I candled them when I was setting them up in the turner racks. They all have nice little air sacs. I candle bantam eggs because they are so small and round that I find it hard to figure out which way is up! I guess we'll find out how well eggs sitting for a week and a half do when I hatch them out!
i have hatched for an elderly man for the past 2 years with GREAT hatch rates! and this year he just told me that his eggs are always about a month old! he turns them and keeps them at room temp.....go figure!?!? lol

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